I had this realization today listening to two different things that struck me as chock fulla groove: a choral work by Haydn called "Te Deum" and Alphabetical by Phoenix. Both feature loads of head-nodding off-beats. But I suspect that the average bear finds both of those musical experiences a bit ... well, square. I'm fine with my superpower, but I wish I could share it with the world. Can't we all just groove along?
Tell me what you think: Phoenix - funky or L7? Is there a group or an album that you think brings the funk but leaves your friends cold?
Ya know what, Phoenix is hella funky. I didn't spend enough time with the Alphabetical album but 'If I Ever Feel Better' off the first album had an awesome groove. There's an english band I feel similarly about called Reef - they had a single 'Place Your Hands' that I've been shaking my ass to for 10 years now. I have yet to meet anyone else that likes(d)them.
Phoenix is, by far, one of my favorite bands of all time because these French boys can make some serious music. I dance around to them all the time, especially while I'm driving (and I get plenty of weird looks, too). When they played at this tiny club here in Scottsdale, I think there were about twelve people that went on purpose. By the end of the night, however, it was packed and everyone was dancing and clapping and I wasn't making a total fool of myself! Then again, I think Wang Chung is laying down some sweet tracks. So please, disregard me.
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