I love walking into a place and hearing music that I love. So hurray for the falafel restaurant my sweetie and I dined at for lunch! We spent the meal outside, with nothing but the street for music. But we popped inside before leaving and instantly my brain was smiling at the happy recognition of
my favorite Rachid Taha album. It's such a great collection of songs - and when I saw him live, wow. It was a Total Rock and Roll Experience. (I've seen a few pathetic YouTube videos of Taha, drunk and embarrassing himself on stage, but I hope that was a passing phase.)
I'm working on adding a music player to the blog, so when I do, please check this guy out if you don't know him already. Fun stuff!
I saw Aerosmith the week before I saw Rachid Taha at the Village Underground. I'd expected them to do one of those cliched yet awesome-balls out-rock n roll shows. I was very disappointed, my inner 12 year old was even more disappointed. When I found myself a week later at this intimate little basement club I had big expectations but I did not expect Rachid Taha to be such a decadent rock n roll beast. His swagger, his energy & his band's jamming to the Stone's 'Satisfaction' fulfilled all of 12 year old me's rock n roll desires.
any chance you could post a link to their myspace page or youtube video -- i'd love to hear them...
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